Final Suite of Five Prints
Winter 2022

The very last time i saw Gregory, he handed me a stack of 4” x 6” linoleum blocks and instructed me to, “Print these.”

since his passing, I was fortunate enough to work with sheila coppola at sidereal press to make the dream of printing my dad’s final suite of prints, into a reality.

We present: Pink, Yellow, green, blue, orange, in the exact hues gregory preferred to use throughout his over 50 year printmaking career.

special thanks to mary josephson, my mom, without whom this project would not have been possible.

Prints are available for purchase as complete suites, lower numbers in the edition, for $2,500, and individually for $500. Stay tuned for the Penultimate set of three prints from 2020/2021, out this fall.

-Aurora josephson
February, 2024